Friday, October 03, 2008

Pameran Tubuh Manusia di Hawaii

Pameran Tubuh Manusia "Body Exhibition" menjadi salah satu acara paling menarik di Honolulu, Hawaii akhir-akhir ini. Dalam acara ini, tubuh asli manusia "mayat" dipertontonkan secara terbuka, mulai dari bagian luar sampai pada bagian dalam, seperti jantung, paru-paru, dan usus. Meskipun menuai protes dan sangat kontroversial di kalangan orang-orang, pameran ini tetap saja menarik minat banyak orang, khususnya kalangan muda Hawaii. Menariknya, acara yang terbilang "aneh" ini berbarengan dengan fenomena penurunan kunjungan wisatawan, baik domestik maupun international, ke Hawaii.

Monday, September 29, 2008

What Happens When We Die?

A fellow at New York City's Weill Cornell Medical Center, Dr. Sam Parnia is one of the world's leading experts on the scientific study of death. Last week Parnia and his colleagues at the Human Consciousness Project announced their first major undertaking: a 3-year exploration of the biology behind "out-of-body" experiences. The study, known as AWARE (AWAreness during REsuscitation), involves the collaboration of 25 major medical centers through Europe, Canada and the U.S. and will examine some 1,500 survivors of cardiac arrest. TIME spoke with Parnia about the project's origins, its skeptics and the difference between the mind and the brain. Read details ...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Menikmati Kembang Api Malam Tahun Baru di Aloha Tower

SEPERTI tahun tahun sebelumnya, setiap datangnya tahun baru selalu dihiasi dengan atraksi kembang api. Dan atraksi yang seolah identik dengan datangnya tahun baru ini selalu mendapat perhatian dari masyarakat setempat serta para turis yang datang ke Hawaii. Di Oahu pulau dimana saya tinggal, atraksi kembang api terutama di gelar di dua tempat yaitu di Waikiki dan Aloha Tower. Sementara untuk menikmatinya orang-orang selain datang ke dua tempat tersebut juga ke Magic Island atau Ala Moana beach dimana kita dapat memandang kembang api yang diluncurkan dari Waikiki dan Aloha Tower sekaligus karena tempatnya yang strategis berada di antara dua tempat tersebut.

Sebagai pehobi fotografi dan penikmat wisata, saya tak pernah melewatkan kesempatan emas ini. Dua tahun sebelumnya yaitu tahun baru 2006 dan 2007, berturut-turut saya menikmati kembang api tahun baru dari Magic Island dan dari pantai Waikiki. Dan perayaan tahun baru 2008 ini saya melewatinya di Aloha Tower.

Perjalanan dimulai dari Hale Manoa dorm, asrama mahasiswa dimana saya tinggal. Saat itu waktu tepat menunjukkan pukul 10.30 malam, saya bersama dengan seorang teman meluncur menggunakan sepeda onthel dengan tujuan Aloha Tower. Sebetulnya agak gamang juga untuk jalan keluar malam itu setelah seharian Honolulu selalu diguyur hujan deras dan baru berhenti sejam sebelum saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk pergi.

Di sepanjang perjalanan tak henti-hentinya saya dengar suara letusan mercon dan kilatan kembang api yang meledak di udara yang disulut oleh warga setempat. Mirip seperti suasana tahun baru di Indonesia. Bedanya disini warga tidak sembarangan melempar mercon atau menyulut kembang api di jalanan. Paling banter di trotoar atau di jalan-jalan yang sepi pengendara. Ukuran mercon yang digunakan juga relatif kecil, mirip seperti petasan yang digunakan saat tradisi pesta perkawinan di Betawi atau kalau orang jawa bilang ‘mercon renteng’. Ada juga kembang api ’sos dor’ yang meluncur ke atas dan meledak di udara dengan mengeluarkan kilatan cahaya warna-warni.

Disini menyulut kembang api memang tidak boleh sembarangan, hal ini karena kembang api bisa menimbulkan kebakaran yang menjadi momok bagi warga setempat yang kebanyakan rumah-rumahnya terbuat dari kayu dan sudah tentu gampang sekali terbakar. Di Waikiki dan Aloha Tower, kembang api diluncurkan dari sebuah tug boat yang mengapung kurang lebih 200 meter dari bibir pantai.

Akhirnya setelah 1 jam mengayuh sepeda sambil mengambil beberapa foto sepanjang perjalanan sampailah saya di Aloha Tower. Aloha Tower sesungguhnya adalah menara pengamat berlantai 10 yang dibangun pada tahun 1926. Dari atas menara petugas pelabuhan bisa mengamati kapal-kapal yang datang merapat. Pada jamannya menara ini menjadi landmark di pelabuhan untuk menyambut kedatangan penumpang dari kapal-kapal yang mendarat di Honolulu. Ketika pesawat terbang mulai ramai, pelabuhan menjadi sepi dan Aloha Tower kehilangan pamornya hingga akhirnya dibangunlah pusat perbelanjaan atau market place di sekitar tower untuk mengangkat pamor Aloha Tower dan melestarikannya sebagai bagian dari sejarah Hawaii dan landmark downtown Honolulu.

Saat ini Aloha Tower digunakan sebagai menara pengamat bagi turis layaknya Monas di Jakarta. Ke empat buah jam yang tergantung di keempat sisi menara masih difungsikan, mengingatkan saya akan Jam Gadang di Bukit Tinggi, Sumatera Barat. Di puncaknya tertanam beberapa antena untuk alat komunikasi serta tiang bendera setinggi 40 kaki atau kira-kira setara dengan 12 meter. Persis di atas jam terdapat tulisan ‘ALOHA’, kata yang sangat populer di Hawaii mempunyai makna keramah tamahan, ucapan selamat datang atau selamat tinggal, juga bermakna persahabatan dan cinta kasih.

Ada sekitar seribu orang yang datang malam itu, parkir mobil lumayan penuh sampai ke jalan-jalan. Beberapa yang tinggal di apartemen sekitar downtown lebih memilih berjalan kaki, ada juga yang bersepeda seperti saya. Kebanyakan mereka memilih untuk melihat dari dalam kompleks market place sambil menikmati live musik dan lebih terlindung bila suatu saat hujan. Sementara yang berkocek tebal menikmatinya dari sebuah kapal pesiar tiga lantai yang bersandar di salah satu sudut pelabuhan. Sementara sekelompok kecil lainnya termasuk saya lebih memilih untuk duduk-duduk di alam terbuka di sebuah taman kecil di sebelah tempat parkir yang berada persis di bibir pantai. Banyak juga saya lihat beberapa orang datang sekeluarga dengan anak-anak mereka bahkan yang masih balita. Ini memang pemandangan yang biasa terjadi disini, saya sering menjumpai bayi yang baru berumur beberapa hari sudah di ajak jalan-jalan keluar rumah, hal yang sangat jarang bisa kita jumpai di budaya kita yang menganggap tabu membawa bayi yang baru lahir jalan-jalan keluar rumah, paling banter berjemur di pagi hari itupun hanya di depan rumah. Tapi wajar memang, disini udaranya relatif bersih apalagi udara pantainya yang katanya sehat untuk pernafasan.

“10 menit lagi kembang api akan diluncurkan” begitu bunyi pengumuman dari salah satu petugas. Beberapa orang pun sibuk menyiapkan kamera dan mengambil posisi yang strategis. Sementara sekitar 200 meter dari tempat saya berdiri, ditengah laut telah siap sebuah tug boat yang menyeret perangkat peluncur kembang api dengan dihiasi lampu-lampu flash berkelap-kelip.

Begitu waktu tepat menunjukkan pukul 00.00 waktu Hawaii atau pukul 17.00 WIB tanggal 1 Januari 2008, meluncurlah ratusan kembang api dari tengah laut ke udara yang saat itu berlangit cukup cerah meski sedikit berawan . Beberapa orang sibuk mengambil foto-foto termasuk saya dan beberapa lainnya bersorak-sorai sambil meniup terompet. Ada juga yang diam sambil menikmati keindahan setiap kembang api yang meluncur dan meledak di udara yang menghiasi langit dengan cahaya warna warni, barangkali juga sambil berdoa semoga tahun 2008 bisa membawa kedamaian bagi semua umat manusia dan sudah tentu bisa lebih baik di segala bidang dari tahun sebelumnya. 10 menit pun berlalu dan atraksi kembang api telah sampai pada akhir, orang-orang kemudian berlalu untuk pulang ke rumah masing-masing atau begadang sampai pagi di tempat-tempat hiburan malam. [Agung Nugroho]

Friday, December 28, 2007

Indonesia's Tourism Website

Do you a foreigner who want to visit Indonesia or an Indonesian who want to explore your own country?
Visit this website before you plan your tour. The website provides useful information about tourist destination in Indonesia as well as guidance to make sure your trip is memorable.
Here is the link:


Sunday, September 09, 2007

Nagabonar Jadi 2: a review by Rohayati Paseng

Nagabonar Jadi 2 (2007)

Bumi Prasidi Bi-Epsi & Demi Gisela Citra Sinema
Executive Producer: Giselawati Wiranegara
Producer: Tyas A. Moein
Director: Deddy Mizwar
Writer: Musfar Yasin

A Review
Rohayati Paseng
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Deddy Mizwar reprises his title character in this sequel of the award winning Nagabonar (1987), and after 20 years he plays the character as charmingly as he did in 1987. This time he also directed it. In 1987, Nagabonar was portrayed as a skilled pickpocket, who joined the war against the Dutch who tried to regain control over Indonesia during the end of the Japanese occupation in 1945. He was illiterate and he spoke Indonesian with a very strong Batak accent. He often acted silly and even mischievously, but underneath all that laid a harmless heart. His motivations for joining the war were simply to gain material and social status --to be rich and to be a general. At the end he was a real soldier and managed to call himself a general.

In this sequel, he is an old man. He fathered four sons who died in infancy, and his wife died after giving birth to his fifth and only surviving son, Bonaga, (played by Tora Sudiro). He raised Bonaga alone who now has become a young successful businessman, and very well educated. The film starts with a scene of Bonaga in a car on his way to his father’s village somewhere near Medan in North Sumatra. He is going to take his father to Jakarta for a short visit. The next scenes show that Nagabonar did manage well after the war, because now he owns a palm oil plantation. We also know that his mother, wife, and brother, whom he loves dearly, were buried in the plantation. The rest of the film deals with Bonaga trying to convince his father to turn the plantation into a resort. Nagabonar opposes the idea, and just when it seems like he might change his mind, he finds out that his son’s investors are Japanese. He falls into a deep emotional trap. On the one hand, he loves his son very much and he tries hard to understand the gap between his generation and his son’s. On the other hand, he still has bad feelings toward the Japanese, and he is concerned about the three graves in the plantation.

Nagabonar is the father of every average Indonesian who was born of parents who lived through the end of the Dutch colonial time and during the Japanese occupation in Indonesia. He makes people cry and laugh (sometimes simultaneously) because they could see their own fathers in the Nagabonar character. The relationship between Nagabonar and his son ultimately represents a negotiation between two different sets of values, each shaped by its own time, that try to accommodate each other. Despite their differences and a few very striking similarities, the love between father and son in this film is as solid as a rock. Every child wants to have a loving father like Nagabonar and every father wants to have a sensitive child like Bonaga.

Furthermore, I must say that the representation of Indonesian women in this film is very positive. Bonita (played by Wulan Guritno) is Bonaga’s business partner and love interest. She is beautiful, smart and independent, but not a bitch as is often the case in many Indonesian films. Another thing that feels fresh in this film is the recognition from Bonaga that Bonita is not the stereotypical submissive Indonesian woman, and he is fine with that quality.

Nagabonar jadi 2 is funny, smart, and critical. There are a few poignant scenes that would make audience laugh and cry simultaneously. Tora Sudiro’s on and off Batak accent is not necessarily negative because presumably his character grew up speaking mainly Indonesian like most Indonesians his age. Yudi Datau (Denias: Senandung Diatas Awan, Arisan, Gie, The Last Bissu) once again was behind the camera and produced beautiful cinematography. Apa kata dunia? Holong rohangku di ho!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Where to go in Oahu?

Oahu offers lots of opportunities for fun and relaxation. Here are a few ideas:

Island Overview
Some fun facts, some tips on where to stay, and some advice on how to tackle Oahu's sights and attractions.

Oahu's Top Beaches
We visited them all and we picked the best.

Pearl Harbor / The USS Arizona Memorial
Over 1,000 servicemen are still entombed in this World War II memorial.

Diamond Head
This World War II lookout post offers sweeping views of Waikiki Beach and Oahu.

Dole Pineapple Pavillion
Basically a big gift shop, but it has a few nice touches.

Hanauma Bay: Oahu's Top Snorkeling Spot
This underwater nature preserve has crystal clear water and millions of tropical fish.

The Bishop Museum
A one-of-a-kind museum focused on Hawaiian culture and history.

The USS Bowfin Submarine Museum & Park
Learn about life on a submarine while touring this fully restored U.S. Navy sub.

Hidden Treasure: Hawaii's Fabulous Zoos
Go to the zoo in Hawaii? You bet!

Hawaii's Best Golf Courses
Some of Hawaii's best golf courses are right here on Oahu.


Speaking Hawaiian

People in Hawaii really do say "Aloha" and other Hawaiian terms on a regular basis (this isn’t a gimmick done just for the tourists). Here is some basic Hawaiian and not-so-Hawaiian vocabulary you will need to know in order to get by in Hawaii. Aloha!

Must Haves
Some key words you must know before you get to Hawaii:

Aloha (pronounced: uh-LOW-hah) – used in place of hello and goodbye. Also the dominant philosophy of the islands, roughly translating to love -- of self, of others, of celebration, and of the natural wonders that Hawaii offers.

Kane (KAHNN-ee) – a man

Lanai (luh-NIE-ee) -- name of one of the Hawaiian islands. Also is the Hawaiian term for what main-landers would call a balcony. Most hotel rooms in Hawaii have lanais.

Lei (LAY) -- A necklace made of fragrant flowers strung together. Traditionally used to say hello, goodbye, thanks, or to celebrate nearly anything.

Luau (lew-OW) A Hawaiian feast. Typically held on the beach. Not to be confused with a lua (a toilet).

Mahalo – (muh-HAH-low) Thank you.

The Big Island – Nickname given to the Island of Hawaii in order to distinguish it from the rest of the Hawaiian chain.

Wahine (Wah HEE Nee) – a woman.

Windward Side– The side of each island that bears the full brunt of the southwesterly trade winds that bring in rain and other stormy weather. The windward sides are generally the eastern and northern portions of each island. These sides get considerably more rain than the leeward sides, which are sheltered from the rain by the mountains on each island.

Leeward Side – The side of each island that is sheltered from the southwesterly trade winds. The leeward part of each island receives much less rain than the windward side of the island. Most of the major resorts are on the leeward sides of their respective islands.

Good To Know
Some bonus words that may come in handy:

Alii (ah-LEE-EE) - Hawaiian royalty

Hang Loose – A surfing term encouraging surfers to be relaxed, and not nervous or stiff. In much the same way that hanging loose will allow for a better surfing ride, Hawaiians believe that hanging loose in life in general will allow for a more enjoyable ride through life. Take note of the universal hand signal that means "hang loose."

Haole (HOW- lee) – white foreigner or outsider. Not necessarily a derogatory term; originated when white sailors first began to visit the Hawaiian islands (synonym: Caucasian).

Humuhumunukunukuapua’a (too difficult to pronounce)– the state fish and the topic of several popular Hawaiian songs

Kahuna (kuh-HOO-nah) – A Hawaiian priest and wise man knowledgeable about many things. Today, the term is often used to refer to an individual equally skilled in the fine arts of heavy partying (i.e. "The Big Kahuna").

Makai (mah-KIE) – toward the ocean

Mauka (MOW-kuh) -- toward the mountains (i.e drive Mauka, make a left, etc.).

Poi (POY) – a purple-ish paste made from the taro root. A staple of traditional Hawaiian cuisine. Definitely an acquired taste.


Saturday, April 28, 2007

Keong Mas -The Golden Snail (1) by Ken Kendro

Dibawah cerita jaman dulu abad 13, yang eyang K tulis untuk teman2 di international gamelan list. Bahasa Inggrisnya model Tarzan. Terutama untuk temen2 Jawa asal Jawa Timur.
Sayang kalau cerita ini hilang dari permukaan bumi.

Keong Mas -The Golden Snail

King Kertamerta of Daha was at work in his royal office in the palace.
He just accepted Raden Inu Kertaparti son of the Governor of Jenggala Kahuripan,
his marriage proposal, to marry his daughter Candra Kirana.
He was excited because Daha will be politically stronger. Their alliance will deter Blambangan,
Tumapel, Tuban, Gresik, and other areas to revolt against him.
So he called his messenger. He wrote a short message in beautiful Javanese script that look like beansprouts.
King Kertamerta said to his messenger: "Bring this message to the queen, and do not let anyone see this message.
ASAP or I chopped your head off."
Quick like lightning the messenger run to the "gedong kuning" (Yellow pavilion), the residential area in the
palace compound. He gave the note to the queen. The note said, dinner tonight. only the two of us, send the girls out.
Immediately her majesty queen Kertamerta, name unknown,
(a bunch of male chauvinist pigs that time, women got married their names were erased from the face of the earth)
called their two princesses. Princess Galuh Ajeng, about 20, regular, not too pretty, and not too ugly.
The other Princess Candra Kirana, about 18, very beautiful. Miss Universe class.
The king and queen used to tease each other.
The King: "Are you sure Galuh Ajeng is MY daughter." The queen: "I am not sure, YOU are Candra Kirana daddy."
When the two princesses appeared in front of the queen, the queen said: " Here is some money twenty reyals for each of you.
Papa and mama have some kingdom business to discuss at dinner time. You two go out, with chaperones, please,
go to the mall, eat at Royal Hawaiian Hotel dining hall, see a movie or something. Be home by 11:00 pm.
Galuh Ajeng and Candra Kirana yelled of joy:" yahoo, arigatoo mama san."
Dinner was served. The two princesses were out.
King Kertamerta: " mBok Ratu (mama the Queen). I have good news for you.
I accepted Raden Inu Kertapati marriage proposal, he will be our son in law.
The Kingdom of Daha will be super strong with backing from Jengala Kahuripan.
Tax collections from Blambangan, Tumapel, Tuban, Gresik will be smooth like a new BMW on an autobahn.
Daha will be rich, rich, rich"
Queen : " Sinuwun (His highness), that is just great. Let's drink to that, Viva Daha."
King Kertamerta: " I am glad you agree mBok Ratu."
Queen :" And when is the wedding? Galuh Ajeng will be very happy. She will be the next queen of Daha, and Raden Inu Kertapati
will be her prince. Let us drink to that, viva Galuh Ajeng."
King Kertamerta surprised: " Stop stop stop, no, no, no. I accepted his marriage proposal with Candra Kirana, not Galuh Ajeng,"
Queen Kertamerta felt like a truck-full of ice cubes fall on her head. She gasped several times, Then say.
Queen:" Oh noo Sinuwun, please no. Not Candra Kirana, it has to be Gaul Ajeng. If you go ahead with this plan,
we all be dead ducks."
King Kertamerta, confused: " What is wrong with Candra Kirana and Raden Inu Kertapati?"
Queen: " Sinuwun, please drink your cup of kopi tubruk (instant), no cream no sugar, plain black. Wake up, and listen to me
good, with both ears. When our two girls were small, we made a big "ruwatan (ritual performance)
to prevent Lord Kale to eat those girls. There are two girls in a household, the Javanese call it "Kembang
Sepasang" (a pair of flowers), that is a no no according to the Kala law.
Lord Kala is permitted to eat those girls according to Lord Guru.
Because our ritual performance was extra ordinary, Lord Kala forgave us, the two girls are save.
And we promise him not to break any of his law again, The next one, there will be no forgiveness.
Now look at you, you will let the younger girl marry first, and the older one later?
That is "Kidang mlumpat" (jumping deer) . Another Kala law that we can not break. We will be eaten by Lord Kala.
I realy dont want to be stir fried with mushroom, onion, asparages, and soyu sauce, in a great wok, by Lord Kala.
Have mercy on me, please please cancell your plan.
Please please save us Sinuwun."

Part 2 will follow

Keong Mas -The Golden Snail (2) by Ken Kendro

To answer some questions from readers:
Law of Lord Kala. re: number of child (ren) in a family.
The following will be eaten by Lord Kala, if ruwatan is not performed.
One only - Ontang anting - dangling ornament. (boy or girl)
Two only or twins = Gedana gedini - no English word for it - boy and girl
Kembang sepasang - a pair of flowers - two girls
Uger uger lawang - door posts - two boys
Three only - Sendang apit2 pancuran - a pond between two fountains = boy, girl, boy
in that order
Pancuran apit2 sendang - a fountain between two ponds = girl, boy, girl
in that order
Five only - Pandhawa - the five brothers as in the Mahabarata legend = all boys
Serimpi - Palace court dancers - all girls
Six or more: you will be eaten by md's, hospitals, medication, and educational expenses.
============ ========= ========= ========
The next day, at breakfast.
King Kertamerta: "mBok Ratu, don't worry. I will discuss the situation with my advisors. "
Queen:" Sinuwun, please find a way. I will explain gently to Galuh Ajeng and Candra Kirana."
King Kertamerta: " I am off to the office, take care."
Queen: "Have a nice day, Sinuwun."
After the princesses woke up, and while they are having breakfast, the queen explained the delicate situation.
For the strength of the country, Galuh Ajeng must sacrify. To let her younger sister marry earlier.
Unless Galuh Ajeng can find a husband immediately. But at this moment there is no bachelor like Inu Kertapati,
Mr. Daha himself, available in the country.
No response from the two princesses. Quiet. But after a while.
Galuh Ajeng: " No way Jose. I am the Putri Pambayun (first child/female of a king) The kingdom will be mine.
Not Candra Kirana. And I am not about to put ads on Radio, TV, Newspaper, that I am looking for a husband.
Wanted a: husband? What an insult, insult, insult."
With that Galuh Ajeng put her Adidas running shoes, running sweatpants and shirt, left the yellow hall, flew to her
retired Simbok Emban (Indoor maid that carry babies on her side or back with a slendang). Her name is Simbok
Madusari (Mama the essence of honey), living not too far from the palace.
The queen and Candra Kirana, like the Hawaiian say: "No can do nothing."
They both felt real bad, but understand how Galuh Ajeng must feel.
They both retired from the dining area, and do what queens ad princesses do during the day.
Simbok Madusari seeing Galuh Ajeng running into the house, with tear in her eyes, said:
Madusari: " My baby, what is the matter. Tell simbok the problems, I will help you with my heart and soul,
with my life and death."
Galuh Ajeng: "Ooo mbok, help me. I am about to lose the kingdom to my younger sister. She will be married
to Inu Kertapati. She will jump over me. Pa and Ma agreed for the sake of the kingdom.
Ooo please help."
Madusari, hugged Galuh Ajeng: " O child, poor child, I will find a way. As a putri pambayun, don't show your emotion.
Be brave, like a queen should. Of course I will help you. Sit down next to me,
and have tea and some pisang goreng (banana fritters)."
Madusari brains started churning.
She expected big things for her retirement, when Galuh Ajeng ascended to the throne of Daha.
After a while, after Galuh Ajeng calmed down, she said: "Eureka, this is what we are going to do. Did you learn from the USA presidential elections? How the candidates slinging mud to each other? They are accusing each other, of being corrupt, womanizer, in the pocket of special interest groups, rigging votes, anti black, anti Hispanic, anti gay, pro abortions and etc.
Well, I can do the same thing, I Madusari the caretaker of Galuh Ajeng the future Queen of Daha vow to help Galuh Ajeng to win the throne of Daha."
Galuh Ajeng: " Simbok Madusari, is that fair?"
Madusari:" O child to win a kingdom, every way is the correct way. So don't worry, go back to the palace, I will start my mudslinging campaign immediately. Go child go."
Galuh Ajeng run back to the palace, meet the queen and her sister Candra Kirana, and say: "I am very sorry, for being emotional."

Keong Mas -The Golden Snail (3) by Ken Kendro

The mud slinging campaign by simbok Madusari, to show how good Galuh Ajeng is,
and how bad Candra Kirana, King Kertamerta the queen and Inu Kertapati are,
succeeded very well. Her well being depends on Galuh Ajeng to be the next queen of Daha..
She started from the "pelosok2, daerahs" (villages, other areas) out side Daha.
Like Blambangan, Tumapel, Gresik, Jenggala, Tuban and others, and finally to Daha itself.
The King popularity ratings (by reliable pre Gallup polls), and the approval rating,
dropped to below twenty percents, with more than several thousand participating in the poll.
Statements like:
"The King is not a good Hindu, he lets Candra Kirana to do "jumping deer" over her sister."
"The Governor of Jenggala paid a big sum of money to let his son to marry Candra Kirana."
"The king is a corruptor."
"Candra Kirana and Inu Kertapati, played "kong kong kalingkong" (untranslatable) , may be Candra Kirana is pregnant."
"Galuh Ajeng will not give any comments re: Candra Kirana jumping the gun. She is a very dignified putri Pambayun."
And etc etc.
Ask any PR companies on 5th avenue; if lies are repeated several million times, it become facts.
(Check also with presidential elections all over the world)
On the next cabinet meeting King Kertamerta blew his top.
Kertamerta: "How come a bunch of smart ministers like you all,
can not protect me from all those innuendos, My name is mud.
Look at my rating, less than 20%. Do something or I will fire you all."
All the ministers look down, they watch flies attacking their "lemper" (Javanese sushi), fried bananas,
and the warm sweet tea. Hawaiian pidgin say: "Nobody say nothing."
Finally one elderly king's adviser:"Sinuwun, actually it is your own fault, for accepting Inu Kertapati marriage proposal.
It is to be a secret, till Galuh Ajeng marry first. Somehow somebody in this group or in the palace leak the secret to the press
radio and TV. What a mess."
Kertamerta: " Ok ok ok I accept that error, but who is the "leaker"? What do we do now?"
Adviser: "This is what we do, we will send Candra Kirana to Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, to study Government
Administration. Check with Ibu Irene Ritchie, our great friend, in Melbourne. Ask Candra Kirana to travel incognito, change her name to Dewi Sekartaji. After graduation I am very sure she can be the great queen, of Daha"
Kertamerta: "Terima kasih banyak banyak, my clever adviser. Then I am very sure my rating will go high again.
Meeting is adjourned. I will do the necessary steps immediately"
So he did. He called the queen, Galuh Ajeng, and Candra Kirana. As a king should, he is giving orders now.
He said: "Alright all, listen good. My rating is down to 20%, I have to raise it. Or I will be the laughing joker in whole Java.
Tomorrow Candra Kirana will leave for Australia to study. (He repeated the adviser's plan)
She will leave from the Royal Pier of the Brantas River to Surabaya. (Kediri the capital of Daha, is on the Brantas River. The Brantas river originated from the hills in Malang, to become a big river that run thru Tulungagung, Blitar, Kediri, Kertosono then to Surabaya, into the strait of Madura) ) From Surabaya there will be personnel from the Australian Shipping Co, She will help her with her passport, exit permit, student visa to travel to Denpasar, via the strait of Bali, Gilimanuk, then stop at DenPasar.
She can watch Barong and Rangdha if she want to. Then to Darwin. On land to Alice Spring, then to Melbourne to see Ibu Irene Ritchie. Understood? The queen, Galuh Ajeng, and I will stay in Daha. We will inform the world that Candra Kirana is meditating to become a lady hermit on top of the holy mountain Arjuno, (SE of Kediri). And there will be no questions and answers session, just do what I say"
Galuh Ajeng was flabbergasted, now her sister is going to college. What about her, the putri pambayun? Candra Kirana may come home later with a Ph.D. in Government Administration. Oh nooo. Unfair, unfair, unfair. I must run to see simbok Madusari.
She will find a way, to save me and my kingdom.
She told the queen: " Mom I am going to run 6 miles today, to I stay skinny. I will be back before supper"
The queen: " Go ahead Galuh, exercising will do you good."
Actually she run shorter than that, to see Simbok Madusari her Simbok Emban.
When Simbok Madusari saw Galuh Ajeng coming to her house, crying again, louder in fact, she can not believe it.
She hug her, and said: "What is the matter now? We won didn't we? You will be the next queen, because Candra Kirana name is mud now?" Galuh Ajeng told everything to her. Simbok Madusari is really mad now, all her campaign, all her effort failed.
The Indonesian say: "Senjata makan Tuan." (The weapon kills the owner.)
Madusari: "Child go home now, I will see the neighborhood "dhukun" (shaman) See what she can do to help you."
Galuh Ajeng left Madusari house, doing the real six miles. Madusari walk to see the lady shaman, Grandma Fiery Frog
(Simbah Canthuko-mowo)
Grandma Fiery Frog: "Come in Madusari, you look good. You are not sick, looking for medicine, are you?"
Madusari: " Oo wise one, you knew what I am coming for. But here are: cigarette kretek (clove's cigarettes), incense, and tobacco.
as our gift to you."
Grandma Fiery Frog: " Thank you, now explain your requests."
Madusari:" Galuh Ajeng and I begging your help, to stop Candra Kirana from leaving Java. And prevent her to be the next queen of Daha. Without killing her though, we simply can not face the consequences, facing Lord Yama and Durga later.
She plan to leave for Surabaya from the Royal Pier on the Brantas. She changed her appearance, and her name is Dewi Sekartaji."
Grandma Fiery Frog: "No problemo, simple like squeezing ripe tomatoes."
Grandma Fiery Frog went inside her lab.
After about five minutes, she came out and said: "Madusari here is a vial of holy water.
And the second one is a very potent powder in an envelope , like agent orange."
Madusari: " What do I do with it?"
Grandma Fiery Frog: "Come closer, I whisper into your ears, the way to do it."
After Madusari understand the instructions, she said thank you.
She run to the Royal Pier on the Brantas, and check Departure and Arrival list of all ships, docking at the pier, for tomorrow am.
She found one boat leaving at 8:00 am. to Surabaya.
The next morning, after clean up, at 7:00 am she drink the holy water from Grandma Fiery Frog.
Whalla she became a "gagak ireng" (a black raven.)
She carry the envelope containing the agent orange like powder in her beak and fly to the Surabaya bound boat.
Gagak Ireng perched on top of the mast of the boat,
When dewi Sekartaji, alone, boarding the boat, Gagak Ireng waited patiently.
Finally dewi Sekartaji went to the railing of the boat, with tears in her eyes, waving good bye to the city she loved,
Kediri the capital of Daha, famous with their "Yellow firm Tofu" now.
Right there and then Gagak Ireng, Black Raven, simbok emban of Galuh Ajeng, swooped down ward toward Sekartaji aka Candra Kirana with the potent powder. She bombed Sekartaji with the envelope, right smack on her head.
Sekartaji face was covered with the magic yellow powder, she fell in the river, and instantly became the famous,
long awaited "Golden Snail".

Keong Mas -The Golden Snail (4) by Ken Kendro

For several months, Candra Kirana aka Sekartaji, the young princess of Daha, lived like a golden snail on the bottom
of the river Brantas. She chose to stay on the edge of the river, eating moss day in day out. The center of the river is deep and dangerous. She pray to Lord Wenang, Shiwa, Durga, and others for her safety. Unknown to her, the stream of the river pushed her farther away from Daha Kediri, toward Mojoagung. (The site of the Majapahit Kingdom.)
Worst yet, Simbok Emban Madusari, now a black raven, must protect the golden snail.
She promised Galuh Ajeng to keep Candra Kirana alive. For months. she too perched on trees next to the river bank.
Eating raw fish (not even sliced sashimi style, with shoyu and mustard), frogs, worms and other raw stuff.
She longed for her old warm bed in her cozy home in Daha. Having coffee tubruk in the mornings, nasi goreng istimewa (extra ordinaire fried rice), srabi (javanese pancake) with coconut syrup, rujak (hot fruit salad), and other delicatessen,
One rainy morning, cold and miserable, our black raven can not stand it anymore.
She said to herself: "What am I doing here? Punishing a young innocent princess. And punishing myself. Hoping to find a great job when her sister is crowned the queen of Daha. Am I crazy or what? And Galuh Ajeng is enjoying herself in the palace.
What if she is not selected as the next queen. I better fly back to Daha to see Simbah Fiery Frog. Immediately"
So she did. The distance Mojoagung to Kediri, can be done in 30 minutes with your Mercy 450 SL cabriolet, now.
But in the 13th century, our poor black raven must flap flappety flap with her wet wings, for several hours.
At noon or so, she arrived at Simbah Canthuko Mowo, our shaman. She was exhausted, knocked on the door with her
tired beak: " Knock, knock, knock."
Grandma F. F. " I know you. No need to identify your self. The door is open. Come in."
Black raven: " O honorable grandma, have mercy. Million mercies."
Grandma F.F.: "Now, what?
Black raven: "Ooh please I am tired, I am exhausted, I am hungry, please change me back into simbok Madusari, please."
Grandma F.F.: "That will be very easy, but then the minute you become Madusari, the golden snail will be the beautiful Candra Kirana again. Plus interest too, because she was doing non stop praying, while she was under water.
And all the Lords in Suralaya (heaven) will grant her her requests."
Black raven:" Oh I don't care, she deserves it. I am guilty, the law of Karma will be in effect, Galuh Ajeng and I will suffer."
Grandma F.F.: " I am glad, you know, the English saying is, "you will reap what you sow." If you are ready, stand still."
Grandma F.F. pointed her bend arthritic right pointer. In a second the black raven became a wet simbok Madusari.
Grandma F.F, feed her, nasi rawon, (rice with black colored beef soup,) with sambel kemiri (candle nut hot pepper paste)
krupuk udhang (fried shrimp chip) and fresh bean sprouts. Da best!! Make me home sick, try it if you are in East Java.
At that same time when our black raven decided to fly back to Daha, an old widow from the village of Mojoreno arrived at the edge of the river, in the same area where our golden snail swim . (caution: old Javanese stories always have a "poor widow from a certain village", no name just the widow from such and such. No widower neither. The ladies outlive their hubbies, just like now)
Anyway she earned money selling dry twigs and branches to the big market in Mojoagung. She also have a fish net, to catch small fish swimming on the bank of the river Brantas, for her snack. After collecting enough dry wood, she try her luck with her fish net. Ahter she scooped the net in the river, walla that net is full with snails. Our French friends will just love it, escargot!!!
And one of them is a golden snail. She said to her self: "why bother to walk to the market in Mojoagung, I can go home and have a sate kerang (another East Java delicacy, escargot on sticks on charcoal) with hot peanut butter sauce. Its raining its miserable."
So she dropped her twigs and branches bundle. Walk home happily with her fish net full with escargot.
At home after drying her self "the widow of Mojoreno" separate the golden snail from the rest. She kept the golden snail in a
bucket, It is too beautiful to be consumed. Before she is able to start washing the escargot, a blinding white flash of light came from the bucket, where the golden snail was. It was exactly the same time the black raven became simbok Madusari.
A beautiful young lady stood in front the widow from Mojoreno. It is princess Candra Kirana.
The widow from Mojoreno was scared to death, she did not know who she is. She prostrated in front of the young lady,
and said: " Oo Holy Lampor (river ghost), Goddess of the river Brantas, daughter of Baruno (Lord of all the oceans in the world),
have mercy on me, for stealing those escargot. Please, punish me." Tears roll from her eyes.
Before Candra Kirana answers her, the twin Lord Sadhana and the Goddess Sri arrived in the widow's hut. Lord Sadhana explained everything to the widow. Candra Kirana said thank you to the widow for saving her.
Then the Goddess Sri created a hot meal for the three of them, and blessed the widow. She will be able to catch one big fish everyday for her daily meal from the river, the rest of her life. After that Lord Sadhana and the Goddess Sri bid farewell to Candra Kirana and the widow. That was part of the boon for the golden snail.
Next come Lord Kamajaya and the goddess Ratih, the two love birds of Suralaya. The goddess Ratih dressed Candra Kirana properly, and the three of them flew to Jenggala to meet Inu Kertapati, the son of the governor of Jenggala.
The governor of Jenggala is very happy to see Candra Kirana, and Lord Kumajaya and the goddess Ratih.
Lord Kumajaya explained everything to the governor and his son Inu Kertapati, and asked the Governor of Jenggala to take care of Candra Kirana. While the mess in Daha Kediri can be solved. She warned Candra Kirana and Inu Kertapati, to remember the Indonesian kroncong (music) saying:
empat dan empat, jadi delapan. (four plus four, is exactly eight)
boleh dilihat, dipegang jangan. (you may watch each other, but no touch touch.)
With that Kumajaya and Ratih flew back to Suralaya.
Now, it is the turn, of Lord Narada, the brother of Shiwa (the upper lord in Suralaya) to visit Daha Kediri.
He called King and Queen Kertamerta, princess Galuh Ajeng, and simbok Madusari.
After they got together, he said: "Shame on you, you forgot to pray the Lords or what. You can ask for advice you know."
All four trembled of fear. Together they said: "Have mercy Lord Narada, we will follow your guidance, from now on."
Lord Narada:" Ok. here is what you must do. Have a big wedding for Candra Kirana and Inu Kertapati.
Then make Candra Kirana the queen of Daha, later. She suffered enough.
Galuh Ajeng, you dont need to attend the wedding, its to painfull for you. Your mom and dad will send you to Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Contact Ibu Irene for detailed information. Take courses in Government Administration.
Dont goof off, after you get your Ph D, come home. Your sister will send you to Peking China to be the Daha Kediri's ambassador.
Bring simbok Madusari with you, may be she can learn how to make "crispy Peking duck."
The four answered: "Yes lord Narada , we will follow your order."
With that the long story of the golden snail is over.